If you are writing blogs as a freelancer then the responsibility of how it is going to make its visual presentation will mostly be on the site owner that you are writing for. However, as a good blogger you should always keep in mind that your content is going to be read across many different types of devices, and you should be able to prepare it in order to meet the needs of these.
If you are writing a blog for your own website then you do have the responsibility of making sure that it is going to be mobile friendly and that the content will be easily viewed across multiple screens. To get the very best from your blog there are several factors that you have to be aware of.
Types of devices and timing:
You have to know what the various devices are going to be used to reach your content and at the prime time that this usually takes place in a day. You also need to know which are the most important or most used devices and work down the list. You want to know which devices are used the most to access different types of content. Then it also helps to know how long the users are spending on their devices and where they’re paying the most attention. When you know the answers to all of these it is much easier to set up the strategy for the content for your blog.
Stay in tune with the changes:
How the Internet is being used is constantly changing and it is difficult for experts to keep up with the data that can assist us with our blogging. The platform and theme that you are using for your website will play an important role as to how easy or difficult it will be for you to ready your site for multi screen adaptation. Currently it is estimated that about 2.7 hours are spent by the general public reviewing social networks.
Using the right theme:
You can begin by checking out whether your theme is mobile friendly. You want your theme to be able to function with both desktop and multi screen devices. If you have a current theme that does not fit into this category and you don’t want to change over to a mobile theme, then you can always hire a professional to develop your site so it will be more mobile friendly. If you are using a word press theme then you may have an advantage here as you can use plug-ins that will help to convert your site to a mobile friendly atmosphere.
Go site responsive:
You will find by making your site responsive that it is going to react to the different devices that is being used to view it. A responsive site will present itself in one form on a desktop and in another form on a smart phone or tablet or laptop. Again this is going to come down to finding a responsive word press theme.
Watch your images and graphics:
When preparing your content for your blogs to ensure that they are going to present well be very careful with your images and graphics. The problem is that they will not display as well or will be too small to be effective, and they can also increase the load time which is something that mobile users will not tolerate. It is easier with your blogs if you use short concise paragraphs rather than large ones as the short version paragraphs are much easier to read on the various mobile devices.
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