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Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Using WordPress Plug-Ins to Help You with Your Blog

wordpressOne of the favorite platforms for bloggers to use is the WordPress platform. This is because of its ease of use and the many options that it come with that allows one to really build out their blog. Once you have become familiar with WordPress you are soon going to discover that there are many WordPress plug-ins that you can use almost to the point where you will be overwhelmed and some are better than others.Some you have to be very cautious with as they can actually be detrimental to your site. Some of the plug-ins are free while others have to be purchased.
Marketing and presentation plug-ins
Many of the plug-ins are designed to help you with your marketing tactics or to allow a better presentation of your blog post. For better presentation you may want to look at word press plug-ins that allow you to use sliders. When you are using sliders you must also keep in mind that they have got to be mobile friendly. A good example of a plug-in that will meet this need and also give you some great animation is the Slider Revolution Response WordPress plug-in.
List building plug ins
If you are looking at building your list then there are a lot of plug-ins that can help you with this as well as you may have noted on other blogs there are  pop-up’s that entice readers to sign up. These pop-ups are usually generated with a WordPress plug-in, and one of the more favored ones is the Ninja Pop-ups.
Working enhancements
If you are looking for a plug-in that is going to help you work much easier with your layout for your blogs, then Visual Composer is one that you may want to rely on.
Social networking
If you are wanting to do a combination of your social network and how you interact with them then a plug-in for this would be the WordPress Social Stream.
While many of the plug-ins so far that a been mentioned are to assist you to scale up your blog one of the most important factors that you have to keep in mind is the Security. Most every blogger relies on one type of security plug-in and there are many of these to choose from. Blogger sites can be quite vulnerable to hackers and spammers and there is nothing more frustrating than having your site hacked. One plug-in that you may want to take a look at is the All in One WordPress Security and Firewall.
These are just a few of the examples of the types of plug-ins that you can rely on to assist you with your blog website. You will no doubt find that once you start looking into plug-ins that you are going to spend several hours taking a look at the different ones that are being offered to you.
It is a really hard to restrain yourself from over using the plug-ins because they are so enticing. The problem is with plug-ins and having too many of them is that it can really be detrimental to your site in a variety of different ways, for example slowing it down. The key is to choose your plug-ins wisely and make sure that you always do the updates for them and that they are new plug-ins that are being updated.

Socializer Widget By Alexander Orah


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Karan Chauhan